Marine researchers have a common goal: a living and healthy Baltic Sea

Over the decades, the Baltic Sea has attracted researchers from various fields. In addition to naturalists, active researchers at sea include marine archaeologists, as well as historians. There is also much research on the economic and cultural significance of the Baltic Sea. Some of the research is very practical and serves, for example, marine use and management.

There are several governmental research institutes, universities, and technical colleges involved in the vast field that is Baltic Sea research. Technological developments are always opening new research opportunities and involving new actors and work partners.

Marine research focuses on the well-being of the ecosystem

Traditionally, each research agency has looked at the Baltic Sea solely from its own perspective, whether it is managing fish stocks or protecting endangered marine nature. The underlying objectives of the research may have been partially conflicting, e.g. efforts to increase the use of seabed resources may have undermined the achievement of marine conservation objectives.

However, in recent years, researchers have begun to work together towards a common goal. It is understood that all research produces valuable information about the Baltic Sea, whatever the motivation behind the research.

There is also consensus on the ultimate goal of the research: the most important thing is that the Baltic Sea remains a living and functioning ecosystem. A healthy sea benefits everyone, including shipping, tourism, and other business sectors, as well as the people of the Baltic Sea region.

Baltic Sea research is international

Finnish marine researchers are now united by the so-called FINMARI Consortium, which covers the entire field of marine research. FINMARI creates links between different organisations, enables the sharing of research equipment and thus, improves the quality and cost-effectiveness of the research.

FINMARI is part of the European network for marine research. Of course, the Finnish research community also has many other links to Europe and the Baltic Sea, as the topics and subjects of marine research rarely cross national borders. For example, the coastal states of the Baltic Sea coordinate their marine status monitoring program through the Baltic Commission for the Protection of the Sea (HELCOM). The monitoring itself serves water and marine management based on EU directives.