Brown algae
Brown algae include some of the oddest looking algae. One of the best known is bladderwrack, i.e. Fucus vesiculosus, which needs saline water to live. Thus, the less salty the water, the worse it grows. For this reason, it is not found at all in the Bay of Bothnia.
Green algae
Green algae are usually annual, i.e. plants with a life cycle that lasts only one year. Filamentous algae grow rapidly into dense carpets of vegetation and are not very particular about what substrate they grow upon. In eutrophicated areas, filamentous algae can smother other the species growing beneath them.
The Blue Mussel
The blue mussel, i.e. Mytilus trossulus, is a species that grows large in the oceans but remains small in the brackish waters along the Finnish coastline. Blue mussels need a hard, sediment-free substrate to which they can adhere and can form dense carpets.
Red algae
The brightly coloured red algae bring colour to the Baltic Sea much like coral reefs. When red algae are mixed among flashy green algae and beautiful brown bladderwrack, the burst of colour is positively tropical. Some well-known species of red algae found on the Finnish coastline include clawed fork weed (Furcellaria lumbricalis) and Aglaothamnion roseum, (Fin. ruusulevä, literally “rose algae”).
Zonation of hard bottoms
Reefs are typically characterised by multi-layered algal and invertebrate animal communities. The biota is determined by the salinity, the amount of light, and the openness of the habitat, hence there are large regional differences between sea areas. A special feature of the reefs in the Bay of Bothnia is the abundance of water mosses, e.g. Fontinalis spp.
In a large part of the coast, closest to the water surface lies the zone of annual filamentous algae dominated by green, brown, and red algae. Below this commonly occurs the zone of wrack kelp, and finally, the deepest vegetation zone is dominated by red algae.
Below the sunlit zones, rocky surfaces are covered by mussels and polyps. Although the effects of ice and wave action on open shores can scour algal vegetation away from hard surfaces, these plants are replaced by new vegetation over the spring and summer months. The abundant algae in the light-filled zone then continue to provide shelter and nourishment for many invertebrates, fish, and birds.
The filamentous algal zone
Although the species composition of filamentous algae in the zone closest to the surface varies regionally, often the most common species is the so-called mermaid’s hair alga, i.e. Cladophora glomerata. Rapid-growing filamentous algae quickly occupy rocky surfaces as the water rises and falls, and this algal zone is often very uniform.
The well-lit and warm surface waters offer the juvenile stages of invertebrate animals ideal growing conditions among the dense jungles of filamentous algae.
Filamentous algae can be a sign of eutrophication, but they also provide a habitat for many invertebrates.
The wrack kelp zone
The wrack kelp zone, i.e. Fucus spp., usually begins at the bottom of the filamentous algal zone, and the zones tend to blend seamlessly into each other.
The wrack kelp zone is characterised by large algal species, on and under which grow many other algae, as well as many species of invertebrates that attach themselves to the hard substrate. The wrack zone maintains an extensive community of animals, consisting especially of a variety of floating and creeping invertebrates. The most common species include crustaceans, such as amphipods and isopods, as well as the lagoon cockle and the river nerite snail (i.e. Gammarus spp., Idoteabaltica, Cerastoderma glaugum, Theodoxus fluviatilis). This is why the wrack is one of the most essential species in the Baltic Sea, a so-called key species.
Red algal zone
Both red and brown algae grow in the red algae zone. The most common species in this zone are clawed fork weed, the fragile red-beaded Ceramium tenuicorne, as well as low-growing ruffled species like Coccotylus truncatus, and the stalked leaf bearer, i.e. Phyllophora pseudoceranoides.
The algal species of this zone are characterised by their ability to survive at depths where the available light is insufficient for other plant species. Like the larger wracks, the red algae communities enliven the reef by offering extra structures, which provide shelter and food for the diverse animal community living within it.
Red algae thrive also in shallow water close to the shore.
Blue mussel and polyp communities
The algae zones can only extend as deep as there is enough available light for them to photosynthesise. However, when photosynthesis becomes impossible, the hard surfaces become covered instead by stationary filter feeders like blue mussels and polyps. In particular, mussel communities provide food and shelter for a wide variety of invertebrates and birds.
The increase in water turbidity resulting from eutrophication has caused all algal zones to narrow, and in many places, the zones even overlap. Increased sedimentation on the bottom will cause fine sediment to accumulate on the bedrock, which will make it difficult for species spread by currents to settle and successfully attach to new growing sites.
Hard bottom species:
- Water mosses (e.g. Fontinalis spp.)
- Mermaid’s hair (Cladophora glomerata)
- Wrack kelp species (Fucus spp.)
- Amphipod crustaceans (Gammarus spp.)
- Isopod crustaceans (Idotea spp.)
- Lagoon cockle (Cerastoderma glaugum)
- River nerite snail (Theodoxus fluviatilis)
- Clawed fork weed (Furcellaria lumbricalis)
Ceramium tenuicorne
Coccotylus truncatus
- Stalked leaf bearer (Phyllophora pseudoceranoïdes)