The island has had fishing activities, pilotage, as well as wooden nautical navigation signs since the 18th century. During the darkest times, signal fires were also burnt on the island, which guided ships along the right route into Pori Harbour.
The idea of a proper lighthouse only first began by the 1870s, when the Finnish pilotage and shipping lanes were developed. The imposing lighthouse tower was completed in 1873 and its light guided seafarers for well over 20 kilometres out at sea.
Seachart from 19th century.
Activities on the lighthouse island slowed after the 1950s
A lighthouse master and several lighthouse keepers were employed at the Säppi Lighthouse. They lived in a sheltered yard surrounding the lighthouse tower. The pilots lived on the western shore of the island. The pilot station was a one-story guardhouse with an observation tower.
The island staff cultivated small patches of arable land, and the rest of their goods were brought several times a week from Reposaari Island, off the coast of Pori. Pets were also kept on the island.
Life on the island began to quieten when the pilot station was decommissioned in 1959. Three years later, the lighthouse was automated and when the lighthouse guards also departed the island, it was left uninhabited.
Säppi Lighthouse, built in 1873.
Wild mouflon sheep still live on the island
The island of Säppi forms an intact entity from which we can learn about the operations of a 19th-century lighthouse, a pilot station, and their associated buildings.
The whitewashed 28-metre high lighthouse tower dominates the island's landscape. Most of the lighthouse and dwellings around it are still in their original form. In addition to the residential buildings, the island has many ruins of old buildings, as well as the remains of an old daymark beacon close to the lighthouse.
The lighthouse is kept in operation by the actions of a local society, known as Säppi 2000 ry. The light is powered by wind energy.
Today, Säppi Island is well managed. With its varied scenery and nature trails, it is a fascinating and popular camping destination. There is also a wild flock of sheep on the island. These are known as mouflon sheep and originate from the Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sardinia.
There are also many wrecks of various ages in the waters around Säppi Island. For example, the modern wreck of the schooner Koivisto has been deliberately sunk as a dive site. Information about other wrecks can be found in the Cultural environment service window.
Read more about Säppi Lighthouse in the official webpages!
How and why is this location protected?
The buildings on the island of Säppi form a well-preserved complex of maritime history.
The Finnish Heritage Agency has designated Säppi Island as a nationally significant built cultural environment. The island is also part of the Bothnian Sea National Park, and partly of the Pohjansäppi Nature Reserve, as well as a Natura 2000 nature protection area. All of Säppi's buildings are protected by the Luvia area shore zoning plan.
A link to the nationally significant cultural environment webpages (In Finnish and Swedish).
Cruises and guided tours to the island are organised during the summer and visitors by private boat can also go ashore.
Finnish Heritage Agency's webpage
N: 6829020, E: 199162 (ETRS-TM35FIN)